Ciao amore, ciao (2022)

Ciao amore, ciao (2022)

Mini-Croissant is a short film written, directed and produced by Martin Basile in 2022. Synopsis A man finds a stranger in his toilet. Cast Luca De Angelis as protagonist.Vera Ingrid Canepa as…

Mini-Croissant (2021)

Mini-Croissant is a short film written, directed and produced by Martin Basile in 2021. Synopsis A man is chilling on his sofa, while his girlfriend's having a shower. Suddenly somebody opens the…
BPD - Short Film about Borderline Personality Disorder

BPD (2021)

BPD (acronym for Borderline Personality Disorder) is a short film written and directed by Martin Basile in 2021, starring Vera Ingrid Canepa and Martin Basile.

ALEXIA (2019)

ALEXIA is a short film written and directed by Martin Basile in 72 hours for the contest "La 72esima Ora". It is the winner of the first prize for best use of Genre.